The following is Virginia Tech’s Required Quarterly Reporting for Funds Received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act for the Quarter Ending September 30, 2021.
Virginia Tech signed the Funding and Certification Agreement for the Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, 和经济安全(关怀)法案, 2020. It was returned to the U.S. 教育部,2020年4月27日. Virginia Tech used no less than 50% of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.
弗吉尼亚理工大学从美国政府获得了9,699,494美元.S. 紧急财政援助拨款教育部.
As of September 30, 2020年,弗吉尼亚理工大学授予了12个奖项,084 students $9,699,根据《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》紧急财政援助补助金第494条. At the end of June, Virginia Tech canceled 1,005 students' grants who had not accepted the award after 3 e-mails and at least one phone call. 所有的弗吉尼亚理工大学关怀基金都在这个时候被授予.
弗吉尼亚理工大学估计有多达19个,461名符合第四章资格的本科生, graduate, 以及2020年春季学期入学的专业学生. This estimate is based on the number of potential valid FAFSAs filed by Virginia Tech students and their families.
弗吉尼亚理工大学采用多方面的方法来发放联邦关怀法案的资金. 学生被自动选中,学生也可以申请助学金. 被自动选中的学生有:
- 联邦佩尔助学金获得者;
- Undergraduate students who borrowed a Federal Direct subsidized loan on or before April 15, 2020; and,
- Graduate and Professional students who borrowed a Federal Direct unsubsidized loan on or before April 15, 2020.
All other Title IV eligible students could have applied for the Federal CARES Act Emergency Financial Aid Grants (or an increase to their existing grant) using the Dean of Students Emergency Grant Fund portal. 该门户网站于2020年6月20日停止接受新申请.
根据学生的资格,学生将获得500至3700美元的奖励. All students who are Title IV eligible may apply for the Federal Cares Act Grant and their grant is based on need, 由应用程序决定, and will not exceed $3,700. 学生可自动获得以下资助:
- 春季入学的佩尔助学金获得者获得了500美元.
- Undergraduate students who had borrowed a Federal Direct subsidized loan on or before April 15, 2020, were automatically awarded $500 (Pell Grant recipients who borrowed a subsidized loan received an additional $500 for a total grant in the amount of $1,000);
- Graduate students who had borrowed a Federal Direct unsubsidized loan on or before April 15, 2020 received $500;
- Health Profession students (i.e. 在4月15日或之前借入联邦直接无补贴贷款的DVM和MD), 2020 received $1,000.
If any of the above populations had been employed in a Virginia non-federal work study wage position, the student's average earnings were used as an impact gauge and the student was awarded a Federal CARES Act Grant equal to that amount.
June 26, 2020 Update:
Beginning on June 8, 2020, VT e-mailed all students who were awarded a CARES Act Grant and had not yet accepted the award. 学生们被要求在6月26日之前接受奖项.
6月1日,弗吉尼亚理工大学进行了第二次自动授予. 入选的学生有:
- Undergraduate students who borrowed the Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan during the spring 2020 semester; and,
- All other graduate students who had a FAFSA on file for the 2019-2020 academic year and had not previously received a CARES Act Grant.
On June 19 and 22, all students in the above two populations who had not accepted their award were sent an e-mail reminder to do so by June 26.
On June 18, 2020, 弗吉尼亚理工大学为本科生增加了200美元的关怀补助金,这些学生有:
- A paid CARES Grant in the initial amount between $500 and $1,000; and,
- 报名参加2020年秋季学期至少1个学分.
On June 18, Virginia Tech increased the CARES Grants for DVM students who were not able to obtain clinical hours due to social distancing and therefore could not be enrolled for the summer term.
Between June 19 and June 24, all students who had not accepted their CARES Grant were called at the phone number attached to their student record to advise them that they had not completed their requirements to receive the award. 学生们被告知,他们必须在2020年6月26日之前接受该奖项.
August 13, 2020 Update:
Three populations of students who had not previously received an increase to their CARES Grant, received additional funds. 以下是确定的人口和他们获得的额外数额:
Undergraduate students who:
- 曾获得500美元的《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》赠款;
- 在2019-2020年获得补贴贷款或佩尔助学金(但不能两者都获得);
- have fall 2020 enrolled hours as of July 29, 2020; and,
- 因6月18日未登记而未收到额外金额, received an increase of $210.
以前领取不到1美元的研究生,200; are enrolled for the fall 2020, received:
- 这一增长使他们的关怀奖总额达到了1美元,如果以前收到的是200美元,在1美元之间,000 and $1,199; or,
- An increase of $300.
Undergraduate students who received a previous CARES Grant; are enrolled for the fall 2020 semester; have 2021 Pell Grant eligibility will received:
- 这一增长使他们的关怀奖总额达到了1美元,009如先前收到$800至$999;
- An increase of $210 if previously received between $500 and $700; and,
- 如果先前收到400美元,则增加209美元.
All students awarded a Federal CARES Act Grant received the following e-mail to explain the award, 不得不通过弗吉尼亚理工大学奖学金中心接受这个奖项, 哪个是在电子邮件之后发布的.
Dear Student,
You were recently awarded funding from the CARES Act to help you cover expenses incurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 您可以在HokieSPA查看您的奖项. You will see it listed as FACARE -联邦关怀法案补助金 for the 2019-2020 school year.
This award requires that you certify that you will use the funds for the allowable expenses outlined in the certification and that you are eligible to receive federal student aid (Title IV aid), either the Federal Pell grant, Federal SEOG, Federal Work-Study, and/or Federal Direct Loans. 你不必接受贷款,如果他们提供给你.
一旦您完成了您的认证声明, 最多需要72小时才能申请到你的财务会计账户. CARES Act funds will not be applied to any outstanding balance you may have with the university. The Office of the Bursar is processing refunds twice a week and cutting checks once a week.
If you have direct deposit, your refund will be generated the Monday or Wednesday after the CARES Act funds post to your Bursar account. Once your refund is generated, it may take up to an additional 48-72 for the funds to appear in your designated bank account.
If you receive a check refund, the Bursar is cutting checks on Fridays; therefore, 你的支票将在下个星期五在资金汇入你的财务会计账户后发出. 如果您想设置直接存款,您可以通过HokieSPA进行. 财政司司长的网页亦载有有关资料: http://www.bursar.rsltrading.net/refunds1/refunds.html.
Your next steps:
- 你将收到一封来自“弗吉尼亚理工大学奖学金中心no-reply@academicworks”的电子邮件.com". 这是一封来自网上赌博网站十大排行奖学金平台的合法邮件. 它将包含一个链接,供您接受奖项并完成认证. 确保完成了这两个步骤. 您需要使用弗吉尼亚理工大学的证书登录.
- You will not receive a confirmation email, please do not email our office asking for confirmation. 相反,监控您的HokieSPA要求. 48小时内你会看到 CARESC – CARES Certification 更新到已完成的状态.
- Once the certification status is completed allow an additional 24 hours for the funds to be visible on your student account.
- 财务司司长将退还您所选择的方法的资金.